jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015

My Next Vacation

Hello Guys!
Today I'm going to tell you about my next vacation.
In January I will be in Santiago, my plans for this month are go to the faculty, at the workshop foundry, with my classmate Toti, for found our sculptures in bronze, because we don't finish in the year, and our classmate Claudio will help us for this process.

I also  want take a course of summer of flamenco, in the theater Cariola, with the professor Rosita Lagos. I would  like return to dance flamenco, I was liked a lot when I danced.

I will make the most of the pool to University the Chile, and I will go to swim for this month. I hope that my friend Camila go with me, she is a good partner of swimming.

The other thing  I want to made in January is take a course to use my machine of sew and the sewing, and also take the course of driving.

I thinking in the possibility that sell engravings on the street, I have more copys to engraving jajaja.

In the first week of February, my family think travel to the south of chile, for 1 week to Coñaripe, and enjoy to the thermal and walk for the forest.
I like a lot the thermal, I would like that this trip was for more days.

After this trip I will back to Santiago, and I don't have more plan for my holidays.

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

My Favourite TV Show

Hello Guys!
 Today I'm going to tell you about a programme that enjoyed when I was a child.

When I was a child I watched  chanel like nickelodeon, ETC, cartoonnetwork and national TV with programme like "El Club de los Tigritos".  When in my house they are not cable TV, I only watched "el club de los tigritos" and my favourite programme was Doraemon, I like enjoyed a lot. this cartoon was about the life of Novita, and your adventures with your firend Doraemon. Doraemon was a kind a cat blue, who came from the future.
Doraemon or also named Cosmic Cat, had a pocket in your paunch. From that paunch he kick out diferents mechanism of the future, for help to Novita with your problems, with his mother, your works for the school and your boring friends.
All the time Doraemon say to Novita that have a lot attention with the mechanism, but Novita everytime ruined the situation, he was advantage, because he was lazy.
I still watching Doraemon in ETC TV, but I was watching in the year 2004.
I was in sixth basic, and when arrive at my home after the class I saw El club de los tigritos, in the afternoon sit-in the sofa, alone in my home, waiting to my mother.
I was enjoyed a lot the story, the adventure and the mechanism of the future.

Kisses :*

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

My Future Job

Hello Guys!
Today I'm going to tell you about my future job, I would like to have.

This question is little complicated for me, but I'm not sure of who is the job I like to have.
In my mind there a lot ideas that I want to made, and that I could tell to you.

I would like to work in a house of culture  in some commune, doing workshop of printmaking for the community, and managing projects for foment the interest of the commune, in  the culture.

I thinking work in a office is very boring, the monotony kill all your imagination and wish for the life. Really I don't want to work in a office, I dislike much, for this reason I like those work when you travel for many place knowing others cultures, made of your daily more active is good for any person.

For the moment, I would like take studying, learn things of others fields, for example I'm interest much the archeology, I would like work with people for this fields and incorporate in my area.

That are the things I would like to work, but when I finish my career, I started to work doing whatever. I just hope don't work in mcdonald's


jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

My Exam

Hello everybody
Today I’m going to tell you about today’s class and my espectation about my exam for the central worshop of printmaking.
In today’s class we presented our central Workshops.
Printmaking is my central Workshop. I exposed with my classemate Yael, she talked about the process of etching and I talked about the process of lithography.
 I work with this techniques for my supplementary workshop of lithography, but for my central workshop of printmaking, I was worked, for the final exam, with the concept of "human body memory. With my classmate thought in this concept for the exam and for a future exhibition, in the next year, as a collective.
I have thought about the concept since the sequel in the body, and the memory of the body about the sequel.
I work with a technique named "gofrado", this is an impression of an object without ink, for this I  will use a bone fish, because simulate a thorax. I will put this gofrado into a box. These boxes have a small light that proect the shadow about insects on the surface of gofrado.
These boses will be in the wall of dark room.

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015

Favorite Food

Hello Everybody
Today I'm going to tell you about my favourite food.
I like eating a lot, I love the food and enjoy eat, and my favourite food is the lasagne in special the lasagne that my grandmothe preparer, this is delicious.
For Chrismas or new year we doing 4 kitchenh sources!! with my mother and my grandmother, this was for 5 people, we are a lot gluttonous.
 Since I have ten years I knwo make this lasagne, and since she thaugh me this recipe I prepare lasagne every time that I want eat it is, or when my brother want jaja, with my brother are fanatic of lasagne.
This lasagne don't have meat, and the people that taste don't notice the difference, they belive that lasagne have meat. When my brother change to vegetarian, he had sad only for he can't eat lasagna, and I told " you are stupid, our lasgne never had meat!! ", them he laughed.
The recipe is a lot simple, they have two sauce, a tomatoe sauce, they have
carrot, black pepper, oregano, champignon, olive, laurel and a lot fresh tomatoes; and the other is a white sauce, this have toast flour, milk, white pepper, onion.
 You have preapre the lasagne putting one layer of tomatoes sauce then putting the mace of lasagne, one layer of white sauce, then mace and one layer of tomatoes sauce and a lot cheese, then you repeat the process.

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

The Best Vacation Ever

Hello guys, today I'm going to tell about my best vacation ever.
My best vacation was seven years ago when I went to Torres del Paine with my parents and my brother Jorge.
The idea was my father's , he wanted know The National Park.
We went to travel by airplane to Punta Arenas, them we take a bus to Puerto Natales. There we search the hostal that my father had search, but the hostal it was close, then we search other hostal.
The next days we take a bus to National Park and start ours adventure.
We walk a lot hours, because  we take other road, a lot long! and the climate change all the time.
when we arrive to the campsite start to rain all the night for 2 days !! and the border crossing it was closed for the rain. So we was stay for 2 days in the carp jajaja until finish the rain.
My father dicided change the route, and we arrived to the campsite then one week.
The tower it was majestic, I never forget that moment, it was a lot special.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

A Country I'd Like to Visit

Hi readers, Today I'm going to tell about a country I'd like to visit in a moment of my life.

I'd like to visit Egypt, I think that is a interesting country, because they have a culture mysterious and its  architecture is amazing !!

Egypt is in the desert of Sahara and they have the river Nile, that  crosses the country.
This country is curious for your sphinx and pyramid, and this was the cradle of the egyptian civilitation.

I'd like go into a pyramid and be in a place where the scientific make your excavations, because I like the archaeology, the proces of searching and investigate, the objects occults of the ancient civilization I like a lot.

I'd like to study with archaeologists for one time, but watching the process of your work, I thik that is more interesting for my process as artist. But my problem is the sun, I  can not stand the high temperatures.

I hope you like my post.


martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

London Webquest

Hello guys, today I'm going to write about the activity that I do today.
I planed a visit to London withy my classmate for one week, and review some links about the activitys that we are in this week.
I liked this activities, because I know a lot place, that I don't know, for example the Kew Gardens, this is a Royal Botanic Gardens. I see a beautiful pictures of that place, I love it of landscape, is wonderful, and I would really like to visit this place !!
I had fun with that activities imagining ours trip to London, only that vhave the money necessary.
I recommend to you visit the British Museum, because they are a lot of know.

Regards !

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

My Dream Vacation

Hi readers, today I'm going to talk about my favourite dream vacation. I would like to visit a lot place on the  world, for example Egypt, Germany, France, Sweden and China, just to name someone. But if I had the money, I would go to travel in the Trans Siberian. This is the reil network that connect Russia with your province and Mongolia, People's Republic of China and North Korea.
This line train is the most long in the world and it was built in 1904.
In this trip you cross for 8 time zone and delays 7 days that finish the trip .
I would like to go there, because that trip is a lot interesting, cross for place so beautiful, the landscape is amazing and in all season this trip promise a new experience. for this reason I'm not sure in which season I could trip in the Trans Siberia, but when I see pictures of Trans Siberian in winter, I'm falling in love of that landscape and the magnitude of the nature.
I would like to travel with a special person for share this beautiful experience .

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015


Hi readers !
Today i'm going to write about Rembrandt.
Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijin  was born in july in 1606 in Leiden, Holland, and die in 1669  with 63 years old in Amsterdam, Holland.
The engraving of the picture it's named "The Three Crosses" and he made in 1653.
He was considerate the major master of period barroque of painting and engraving.
Rembrandt made engraving between 1626 and 1660, but for economics problems, he had sell his workshop of printmaking, only for the hard year 1649, He isn't made any work.
I like a lot the engraving of Rembrandt, because he use the technique of etching for layer, he exposed the plate to the acid repeatedly. He thought his engraving like a painting, this form caused that the engraving had blacks more darks, getting interesting compositions of chiaroscuro.


FioL ·)

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Facebook :S

Hi Guys !
Today I'm going to write about my "favourite website".
I used websites that facebook, blogger, gmail, and youtube, just for name someone.
I say that may favourite website is Facebook, because I use a lot.

This website have some aplicattion, as chat, album of picture , games, news of your friends and a place when you can write that you think or sahre informnation,  videos, giff or pages (your wall).

I discover this social networks in 2008, when I have 14 years old, because my friends begin use facebook  and let use the chat messenger and fotolog, and this a new form of comunication.

At first sometime I used Facebook , then when I started study in the university, I look my facebook one or two times in the month, but soon I started review my wall more frecuently, because in facebook notify the suspension the class.

Facebook isn't my favourite website, but is the more practice for send message to my friends, because majority of my contact and friends, every time revise your wall and your inbox.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

My Favorite Photograph

Hi Guys !
In this ocassion, I'm going to write about my favorite photograph.
My friend Mariola took it this picture in May of the past year in neighborhood Lastarrias, when we went to sell the engraving that we made in ours workshop of printmaking.
We needded money for finance the materials that we uses for make engraving, because this materials are very expensive.
The people likes our engraving, they saw for a moment and then they go, they made some questions for the price, but we had bad luck and we didn't sell any engraving.
On our side had an artist, he came from Valparaiso. He used to sold in that place and he tell us some stories.
At nightfall the police arrived and we had to run with ours engravings. It was late and with Bastian (the boy who is siting next to me in the picture) we went to eat ice cream and then spoke for a long moment.
I upload this picture, because I was go to sold for a first time and it was a good and entertaining experience.
I like this picture, because I'm with my classemate, but today when I see again, I see myseelf with my boyfried.

Good bye readers :)


martes, 20 de octubre de 2015

My Printmaking

Hi readers, Today I'm going to write about my printmaking.
I made this printmaking in the first semestre of the past year, for the exam of my central Workshops. When  I made this printmaking I thought in the concept of tempest, because I made a reproduction of Brueghel’s prinmaking, named “Hope” and this image have a lot element that relate the tempest.
I wanted  create a relate of the tempest using my imaginary.

The technique I use in this printmaking is etching, this it's made in a plate of copper and printed in a paper printer. This have got a large of 70 centimeter of diameter.

That make an etching you have prepare the plate covering with varnish special for printmaking, then you draw in the plate with a sharp point, moving the varnish, leaving the copper exponed ready for  get into the acid.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

My favorite pieces of technology

Hola, soy hablar de mi objeto favorito tecnológica, Es mi teléfono celular androide, este modelo es el Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini. Yo uso este teléfono celular todos los días. Yo lo uso para hablar con mis padres, y yo escribo a mis amigos, mis hermanos y mi novio por el chat.
Me gusta mi teléfono celular porque es pequeño y la mayoría de teléfono celular androide son grandes, otra razón porque me gustó es la cámara de 8 megapixeles, que utiliza para la captura de mis obras que hicieron en la universidad. He descargado una aplicación para el juego, se trata de "injusticia" Es el juego muy entretenido ella.

Antes de tener este teléfono celular no me gusta este tipo de teléfono celular tanto, pensé acerca de la interconectividad y me sentía ansioso. Por esta razón, activa el Internet cuando es necesario. Este smartphon es práctico, pero no fundamental en mi vida

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

My Expectations

Hi readers, I'm going to write about of my expectations.
In the previous post I told you I'm studing in the last year of my carrear, I have 7 subjects, these are 2 suplementary, drawing VI, seminary theoretical VI and VII, central workshop printmaking and english III. I have more subjects of others students, beacuse I delayed whit 3 subjects, but I prefer have more subjects for final my carrear this year and no take one semester, this would make me stay behind with my thesis.
Sometimes I go to the pool and ride on the bike with my boyfriend, but in this year I don't have more time, because my central workshop needs more work for the projects. the last two weeks, I left to late of the university, because I have to present this Wednesday.
I expect finish all my subjects and in the next year have more time for make my thesis and think in the theme "sequel" and "body". Also I  expect can swim and start study french.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

My Auto Biography

Hi readers, my name is Francisca Ovalle López and today I'm going to write about  me.
I was born in Santiago, Chile in 1994, I have 21 years old. I grew up with my parents and my two brothers in Cerrillos, I lived all my life in this house, but in my first year of life we lived with my grandmother in her house.
I study at ISUCH high school and part of elementary school, this is the artist school of University of Chile and my two olders brother also study in this school. In 2012  I begin study Visual Art in University of Chile and today I'm studing in the last year of my carrear. My speciality is printmaking, I like the variety techniques that offer.
My university offer variety of possibility for yours students practice sports, I like practice swimming but the pool of University of Chile is know as pool dirty, but I maybe like. For a time
 I practice sakating of velocity but I hurt my shoulder and I left this sport.

In my free time  I like listen music and go to concerts, is very entertained.